Tuesday, February 9, 2010

A beautiful morning

Went for a walk this morning in the misty overcast. Along the way, the sun broke thru the clouds and warmed everything around me. The battery in my IPod died just about the same time that I met an elderly lady named Libby who was also out walking. She moved over on the sidewalk for me to pass and for some reason I just stopped to talk with her. We ended up walking and talking for about 2.5 miles. It was great. Never met her before but she doesn't live far from me. We talked like we were everyday friends. She was athletic and loved the outdoors. Found a penny on the road and gave it to her. Told her when you find a penny you give it away for luck. Before we split for home, she said she hopes we meet up again. How sweet...what a wonderful morning it is!


wrecklessgirl said...

love libby! she is the sweetest. so glad you met her today!

andrea said...

What "relative" do you think left that penny for you to find?